June News

June 5, 2016
Finally finished another book! About bloody time... "Windwraith" is completed and has been sent to Etopia Press. Hope to hear something soon. Not sure what ...  [read more]
Yay! Just letting you know, my new book, "The Falling" has just been released! Also related to this, I am trying to contact Lee Sebert ...  [read more]

September News

September 30, 2015
Back in the saddle again! Was a wild and crazy summer, but I am back to writing again, so hopefully will get some stories out. ...  [read more]

The Falling finished!

September 14, 2015
So sorry for not posting for a while. This summer has been crazy! Anyway, back to writing now. Just finished a new story, "The Falling", ...  [read more]


April 17, 2015
Just a quick message to let people know that my short story, Tarsus, has been released! Take Care J.C.  [read more]


March 1, 2015
Just letting everyone know that my new book, "Betrayal" has now been released! Hope you enjoy it! Take Care J.C.  [read more]

January News

January 29, 2015
Yay! I finally finished a new story. A short one that I have been working on a long time. I always wanted to write a ...  [read more]

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2015
Wishing everyone a very, very Happy New Year! Hopefully 2015 will see my muse get off the sidelines and help me get several books finished!! ...  [read more]

November News

November 30, 2014
So sorry I have been out of contact. Life takes over sometimes. Damn! Anyway, am ready to get back to writing. Still working mostly on ...  [read more]
Just letting everyone know that "The Ice Prince" has been released! Hope you enjoy the story. : ) Take Care J. C.  [read more]