
I will post a list here of stories I am currently working on and gradually add descriptions of what they are about. Feel free to send comments to me (just click on my Contact link) on what you like to read about. I jump around from book to book as the mood takes me and I can make great strides on one and have to leave another completely for a while.
Currently working mostly on “Atone”. (See below)


Deepwater – 26,000 words. Released March 20, 2020 from Etopia Press.
– stand alone work
– The story of a man taken prisoner by the Mer, living on a deserted island in their domain.

Rain Fall – 72,000 words. Released Aug. 23, 2020 from Etopia Press.
– fourth in the “Chronicles of Anrodnes” series.

Stormborn – 31,000 words. Released Jan. 22, 2021
– Second in the Poplar Ridge Ranch series. (‘Away in the Manger’ is the first story in this series, based on Christmas, to be re-released from Etopia late fall, 2020. All other stories will NOT be a Christmas theme.)

King’s Bane – 67,000 words. Released Mar. 25, 2022
– second in “Siren’s Call” Universe.

Atone – 60,000 words. Released Jun. 10, 2022.
-stand alone work
– The story of Tal, attempting to atone for the horrors of his past, betrayed by the man who said he loved him.

A Winter Fox – 72,000 words – Stand alone work – The story of a general, leader of a defeated country, forced to face his war time actions.


Wolf Run – stand alone work – 15,000 words -The story of a young wolf who survives the brutal destruction of his pack, taking the surviving pups with him to a northern pack.

IN THE WORKS: (All the unfinished stories I am still working on.) (Tentative titles)

Beyond – 1000 words.
– stand alone work
– The story of a young man, tortured and broken by his captivity, finding hope in the most unlikely of saviors.

Child of Light – stand alone work – 10,000 words – A child claimed by neither side of a brutal war may be the answer to healing two men who hate each other.

Dark Promise – 3000 words
– stand alone work
– good, basic space opera.

Defiant – 7000 words
– stand alone work
– A war criminal has a chance to atone for his sins.

The Demon Prince – 2000 words
– stand alone work
– The story of Pad, a young man dragged into the otherworld, the world joined to ours, populated by ghosts, spirits and demons, all ruled by an exiled demon prince.

The Devil May Come – 4000 words
– stand alone work
– The story of a defeated country and the captured general that stands between his people and their cruel overlord.

Duty Bound – 18,000 words.
– stand alone work
– The story of a young soldier who is forced into becoming a Prince’s lover, all because he resembles a dead man.

Forsaken – 5000 words
– stand alone work
– The story of Brace, a demon hunter forsaken by his people, left behind with nine others to try to survive amongst hated humans.

Ironfrost – 2000 words
– second in The Emperor’s Wolf series
– The story of Raith, an empath, taken against his will to the country of Tranaden. (Set 1500 years after the original story)

Jase – 6000 words
– stand alone work
– The story of an abused man, forced to return to an elven realm he does not remember, to an elf he is told he once loved in another life.

Kapata – 2000 words
– stand alone work
– The story of an islander captured by an enemy, eventually being gifted to the leader of a legendary tribe.

Last Note – 2000 words
– third book in the “Taken” series.
– a famous musician loses his memory and finds family among the infamous Martinelli clan.

The Last Rebel – 2000 words
– 2nd in Pale Moon Rising series.
– The story of Everitt, a young human bred to please a specific vampire master.

Nightfall – 8000 words.
– third book in the “Wings” universe. (None of the original characters have made an appearance in this one yet.)
– the story of a commander, captured by his enemies, trying to move beyond his cursed past.

Only Way Forward – 2000 words
– stand alone story
– apocalyptic alpha/omega

Pale Moon Rising – 3000 words.
– first in a series
– The story of a special forces officer, in a time when the earth is taken over by demons, vampires and weres.

Red Mountain – 5000 words
– stand alone work
– The story of a young man’s struggle to avoid the attentions of a futuristic mafia prince, who holds the power of an entire planet behind him.

The Watcher – 1500 words.
– stand alone work
– The story of a writer conned into loving a violent and dangerous man. Yet there is someone watching, someone who could save him if given the right incentive.

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