June News

By on June 17, 2010 in News from J.C.

Things are starting to look up! “The Emperor’s Wolf” is now under contract to Loose ID, so both it and “Gaven: The Bonding” are in the final stages. Still no date though; will let you know as soon as possible. I finished the stand alone book “Taken”, a contemporary story about Landon, a young mercenary who, to save his brother, is sent on a mission to kidnap the brother of a mob boss. If only it had stayed that uncomplicated… This book drove me up the wall. I kept thinking it was done and then the story went on and changed and…sometimes these characters are a pain, through and through. Oh well, Landon finally has his story… I just sent the manuscript to Samhain publishing, so we will see where it goes from there. Now I can take a few days off for a job well done! Yay! Maybe I can actually get out and see the sun… Take Care J.C

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