October News

By on October 30, 2011 in News from J.C.

This month was completely void of writing. Not good when I had hoped to finish another book by November!! Hopefully my muse will get on track now that the colder weather has set in. Focusing on Desert Wind and Out of Darkness for the moment. The response to the release of Wings 2 has been overwhelming and I cannot thank my readers enough for their support. This book had originally been refused by a publisher, and I had given up on it, but thanks to a wonderful editor who took the time to give me pointers to change the few things that held it back, the book could be released. It is due to her that this story saw the light of day and I thank you immensely, Georgia! Because an author is so close to their own work, they often lose perspective, and I myself often lose confidence in the story, no longer able to see its potential, and feeling it is not worthy. I worry a lot about my readers and want to give quality to them, not just a rushed, make money sort of project. I am my own worst critic to the point that I will stop writing entirely for periods of time because I feel my work is not good enough. I have to fight past that barrier time and again, and my readers have often been the tipping point between a story stalling and being completed. A single e-mail has often given me the impetus to finish a book. Many, many thanks to those who have taken the time to support me. Believe me when I say it is completely appreciated. : )
That was a lot of rambling…as to news, I will be back working on Aelida again soon, so I will let everyone know what is happening there. Will try very hard to complete a story, any story, by the end of the year.
Take Care

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