Don’t really have anything of real importance to report. “My Name is Aelida”, the first installment of my only m/f story has been pushed back to May 26. It will be under J.C.McGuire, my original pen name, and will be available at Etopia. “Draconian Measures” still looks good for May 10 at Loose ID. I had a crisis in faith in my writing this month and it completely put me behind on where I had hoped to be by the end of this month. I am sure that all writers go through this from time to time, but this was a bad one. But I have a great editor at Etopia, a real gem, and she helped me through, so that I am back on track. I am flitting between books right now, as usual, working mostly on Tarsus, Duty Bound, Desert Wind and Out of the Darkness. The problem is, I have far too many ideas and I am prone to start new books instead of focusing on the current ones. “The Falling” leapt out at me and now it is taking over, so I don’t know what May will bring! : )
Take Care