Posts Tagged ‘Book Release’

Book Release: The Ascension – My Name is Aelida Book 1

on May 21, 2011 in News from J.C. Comments Off on Book Release: The Ascension – My Name is Aelida Book 1

Wow! Two books released in one month! Has to be a record. : ) The Ascension: My Name is Aelida Book 1 was released yesterday at Etopia Press. Aelida is the only m/f book I have ever written, and I have chosen to use my original pen-name, J.C. McGuire, to release it under. Any m/f I write after this will also be under that name, while my m/m titles will remain under J.C. Owens. Just to clear any confusion up! Aelida will be released as four books, the next coming out in August sometime.
Take Care

Book Release: Draconian Measures

on May 10, 2011 in News from J.C. Comments Off on Book Release: Draconian Measures

Just letting everyone know that “Draconian Measures” was released today at Loose ID. It is the prequel to the Gaven series, the story of Vlar’s father, Sadan, and his own love for a Draconian warrior. I think I would have to call this one my favorite story so far. : ) Their relationship is just too wonderful for words!
Take Care

Book Release: Taken

on January 14, 2011 in News from J.C. Comments Off on Book Release: Taken

Just to let everyone know that my new book, “Taken”, has been released today at Etopia Press! Hope to get the cover up on my site soon.
Take Care

Book Release: The Emperor’s Wolf

on October 18, 2010 in News from J.C. Comments Off on Book Release: The Emperor’s Wolf

Just a quick posting to tell everyone that “The Emperor’s Wolf” has just been released at Loose ID. Also, if you are interested, I have added the original prologue to the story on this website under the page “Tidbits.” The prologue was cut during editing and I feel the story would have benefited with more info. See what you think! Thanks for reading!
Take Care

Book Release: Gaven: The Bonding

on August 17, 2010 in News from J.C. Comments Off on Book Release: Gaven: The Bonding

Just to let people know that the second book in the Gaven series (Gaven: The Bonding) was released today at Loose ID. I hope it will be a worthy successor to the first book, Gaven. I am finding that second books create a lot of pressure, especially when the first one was supported by so many people, whose encouragement brought about the sequel. Some of the questions that were asked were ones I had not even thought of, so I tried to include answers in the new book. Hope it worked. I am currently working on the pre-quel to the series; a story of Vlar’s father, Sadan, and his love for a reluctant and spirited draconian warrior. The book will be titled “Draconian Measures” and I hope it will be finished by the end of this year. Thank you so much for the support of my readers. It truly keeps me writing. Also, I have a stand alone book coming out on October 19 from Loose ID, entitled “The Emperor’s Wolf,” a story of a demon possessed Emperor and the enemy warrior who comes to love him and seeks to save him from what lies within.
Take Care

Wings: Book Release

on December 1, 2009 in News from J.C. Comments Off on Wings: Book Release
Well “Wings” is finally here. I love the cover! Anne Cain is VERY talented. I just wanted to thank all the readers who gave me such wonderful feedback for “Gaven”. You are the ones who encouraged  and inspired me to keep going on this and continue writing. I will let you know when the next book, another stand alone, “Wishes” will be out at Loose Id. And yes, I am working diligently on Gaven’s sequel! Take Care J.C.

Gaven: Book Release

on August 1, 2009 in News from J.C. Comments Off on Gaven: Book Release

Gaven is out! My first book writing under J.C. Owens.